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Sahakar Maharshi
Limbajirao Nagorao Dudhgaonkar

Felicitated as Sahakar Maharshi by state government

President (1970-1987): Parbhani District Central Cooperative Bank. PDCCB. (Most successful president till date)

Zila Parishad President (1993) And Vice President (1962)

May be the only example in the country who got elected unopposed as ZP member

Late Limbajirao Nagorao Dudhgaonkar was born on राम नवमी of year 1934.
Late Limbajirao Dudhgaonkar served as ZP Vice President in 1962 and as ZP अध्यक्ष in 1993.
Even though had little formal schooling, he was a well-read person and had legendary sense of humour. His tales are still told in corridors of power of Marathwada.
Parbhani DCC Bank was second-ranked in state during 1970 to 1987 era of Chairman Shri. Limbajirao Nagorao Dudhgaonkar. For this Shri. Limbajirao was awarded सहकार महर्षि पुरस्कार of Maharashtra.
During election of Chairman of MSC Bank, then CM Yashwantrao Chavan visited Shri. Limbajirao Dudhgaonkar, then Chairman of Parbhani DCC bank for requesting his vote in favour of candidate Shri Kisanrao Veer. That meeting is captured in this photo.
Late Limbajirao Dudhgaonkar is perhaps the only rare candidate in country who got elected unopposed as ZP member.

This is Tribute to a great servant-leader who always kept interests of farmers and the district at topmost priority.!!

Click here to view special memories of this servant-leader family…

Imp trivia about MSC Bank

The co-operative movement in India traces its origin to a period as early as 1904, when the Co-operative Credit Societies Act was enacted. As far as co-operative sector is concerned, Maharashtra is the most developed state in the country.

There is hardly any village in the state which remains untouched by the co-operative movement and hardly any important economic activity that is not covered under a co-operative fold.

The co-operative movement in Maharashtra is nourished by a three-tier co-operative credit structure, at the helm of which is The Maharashtra State Co-operative Bank Limited (MSCB).

At the middle level are 31 District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) and at the bottom level, over 21085 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) are functioning.

The MSC Bank serves as a balancing centre for the surplus resources of co-operatives in the state and thereby ensures their multifaceted development and prosperity. Needless to say, that MSC Bank is the biggest co-operative bank in the country.

Besides, it is the only co-operative bank in India which has figured 9 times among the top 1000 banks in the world on the basis of financial soundness (Capital Adequacy) as surveyed by ‘The Banker’ published from London, periodically. The bank is listed in Schedule II of RBI Act 1934.
(Source:- MSC Bank website).

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